Hull, Massachusetts + Durrës, Albania: Whi-skee Balls!

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Alison is currently obsessed with Baked Ruffles, as these salty treats are strong enough for a dip as well as a tasty elocution exercise! Rrrruufflles have rrrriddges! Besides, they not only taste good in her signature dipping fare (cold ketchup), but ‘baked’ always makes you feel like you’re eating healthy!

We all know that Lulu refuses to watch a TV show until all seasons have aired and her latest binger is Community. But, she had no idea that, in this show, she would find kindred spirits of weird! Think, the sister in Notting Hill, who thought Julia Roberts’ character and she would be best friends…yeah, that’s Lulu and the cast of Community.

If you find that Alison is missing from an appointment or meeting, you just might want to check her mother-in-law’s new Insignia Anti-Gravity massage chair, because she is adding that baby to her 10K wish list! Don’t tell her but she could have it for around 2K! Shhhh…

Is anyone surprised that Lulu is obsessed with Whiskey balls? She’s currently figuring out how she can fit the LG ThinQ fridge in her cruise cabin. If she figures out how to make it happen…PARTY in Lulu’s cabin!! You bring the whiskey, ‘cuz she’s got the balls!

Hull, Massachusetts

Alison has booked 2 nights in The Beacon, an expansive and majestic property overlooking Nantasket Bay,  where her $6K+ gets her 2 nights of daily housekeeping and a continental breakfast including bagels, cereal, muffins, yogurt, granola, coffee, tea, juice, etc. But, this week she’s feeling super 10K and decided to carb up at Toast, a nice little morning spot for super scrummy pancake tacos stuffed with nutella, fresh fruit, cinnamon whipped cream, and powdered sugar. Yes, please! Oh, and a chaser of toast for all types of bread in stock, thank you!

These carbs weren’t just for fun; they were to give her the energy for her inspiring trip to the The Hull Lifesaving Museum where she could do more than learn about their 36-year history of providing crucial lessons from their maritime heritage, but possibly rub life-savers with the wise old cranks that may or may not allow her dream of training to be a Merchant Marine possible. If you, too, dream about becoming one, read this article that will most likely dash your dreams…but, hey…WE believe in you! So You Want to Become a Mariner Then you can decide if you want to try these mariner training options.

Parched from her inspiring morning, Alison goes to Paragon Boardwalk for a Pearl hot dog with cheese & bacon tater tots, glugged down with a WHISKEY & PEACH TEA LEMONADE! Ahhh…refreshing! And that leads to her trip to Nantasket Fascination Parlor, the only remaining place where you can play this century-old game of Fascination for cash. It’s like a combination of Bingo and Skee ball and Alison is feelin’ lucky!

When you’re in Massachusetts, you HAVE to have seafood! Well, unless you’re allergic to shellfish, then DON’T have the shellfish. But, Alison chose to dine at Jake’s Seafood where she treated herself to jumbo shrimp cocktail and market price lobster. Oohh…how FRESH that must’ve tasted! What a perfect way to spend time in Massachusetts.

Durrës, Albania

What? Oh, I’m sorry…I’m still drooling over the graphic for Lulu’s trip to Albania!! Ok…FOCUS! Lulu has chosen to visit the most ancient city in Albania or the eternal city over Adriatic sea for her 10K this week and booked her 2 nights at the elegant Adriatik Hotel 300. Not only does she get the ocean view, but her VERY OWN terrace!!! It not only gives her the privacy her INFP heart desires, but private access to the beach via a long walk on her beautiful terrace.

Lulu’s day begins with a tasty local breakfast treat at Pastiçeri Flair Dolce & Salato for some fresh croissants. Then she books herself on the Wine, Raki and olive oil tasting tour where she enjoys and purchases wine for the picnic of her own design at the Durrës Amphitheatre. We know she loves her ‘party of one’ lifestyle, but this day is done in true 10K style as she hires a private Albanian chef through Take a Chef with a delicious picnic of local delights, including Petulla and Qifqi. If you make it to Albania, you should consider them as they are quite reasonably priced.

Now that she’s tasted the local flavors, she sets off to breathe in the local energy as she does yoga at the Archaelogical Museum of Durrës on her new environmentally responsible Suga C2G yoga mat. She will enjoy the namaste of Queen E, the yoga teacher she found on YogaTrail. Anyone else picturing that Queen E looks just like Queen Latifa? No? …just me?

All that yoga made Lulu a little peckish for some ‘typical American’ fare for lunch at Wild West, which, of course, is Pasta and Mexican dishes. And what does a true 10k’er do, you ask? They hire a Mariachi band from Rome, Italy to serenade them (can mariachi trumpets actually ‘serenade’?) while they eat!

Now, for a pre-dinner sunset on this baller vacay!! Lulu foregoes the cute donkeys on Durrës Beach (omg…the donkeyyyyys!!!) for the solitude of Spille Beach where she can enjoy her newly acquired Asobu Flavor U See infuser water bottle and ASOBU Ice Cream Keeper filled with Three Twins Ice Cream from the good human, Neal Gottlieb, who owned this great company until 2020 happened. He deserves some support in anything else he does as he’s all about helping other ice cream crafters despite having to close down Three Twins. So, what did Lulu do? She flew him Premium Economy to bring her ice cream crafted from the local fruit vendors. That’s how you can roll in a 10K life!

Ferra Shijak was the final destination for some great dinner that may or may not include fresh mussels.


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