Gerlach, Nevada + Pamukkale, Turkey: Long and Vigorous

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Alison is obsessed with her new breakfast invention-Bougie Toast. It’s one toasted slice of Ezekiel bread (“Just one slice; that’ll do ya!”) with goat cheese, muddled berries (she fancy like that!), sliced almonds and drizzled with honey. That pairs with her one fried egg. Great…now I’m hungry, Alison!

Lulu loves seeing her friends succeed and that is her current obsession. Seeing her friend, Melanie Simpson at work at the cruise line is inspiring for her to see. That’s a 10K Bae kickin’ butt!

Alison wants someone to come organize her old small closet. Any takers??

Lulu puts her computers through the ringer as she uses them about 14 hours a day. So, it’s no surprise that she wishes for a new computer.

Alison was the first of the 2 ladies to make their 10K work in 2 cities that don’t cost a lot to visit. She chose Gerlach, Nevada where there are no Airbnbs but there is Bruno's Country Club & Motel. Yup, the only sleepin’ rodeo in town, folks! Click to read the review titled “Beware Room 65.” And that is exactly where Alison got her inspiration to go all 10K on that room!! She spent half of her 10K to renovate the room with a brand new shower, and decorated it with plenty of items from the szhushy Target Opalhouse Jungle Print line to put on the brand new Sleep Number Bed. You’re welcome, Bruno!

Nevada is hot and dry, so she cooled the room down with a Hessaire MC18M Portable Evaporative Cooler swamp cooler - “Swamp coolers are an open system. They rely on the flow of air through the building to direct the cool air, and since they always need hot, dry air to evaporate the water, it needs to displace the air already in the house.” I’m with Lulu on this one…if you understand all that, you’re a lot more sciency than I, Gunga Din!

All that renovation left her no time for breakfast or coffee, so she chose High Rock Pizza, one of the 3 restaurants in town, for a lunch of BBQ Chicken pizza, kale salad and a cider. Then it was time to visit the Fly Geyser, considered “A collision of human error and natural geothermal pressure created this rainbow-colored geologic wonder.” You can’t visit the geyser yourself, but the Friends of Black Rock-High Rock do guided nature walks where you can soak in the natural beauty. But, leave your devices at Bruno’s, folks! Because they are not allowed on these tours. But, do we really think that could stop our girl, Alison?? Never!

So, she decides a little trickery was in order for this nature walk. She purchased the Vuzix Blade Upgraded Smart Glasses, that come with

* Autofocus HD Camera

* Integrated Stereo Speakers in Temples

* Noise Canceling Mics

* Full Color Display (Right-eye only)

* Wireless Wi-Fi and Bluetooth

* Full UV Protection Lenses with Safety Certifications

Lulu suggested she get these and use them to spy on her kids. Not a bad idea…well, until the kids read this blog. Ooops! Sorry, Alison!

Planet X Pottery is her next stop, where she spends $1000 on pottery and $50 at the saloon. Yup, there’s a saloon! (insert The Good, Bad and the Ugly whistle here) This place is easy to miss on the desert road, but worth the stop as the solar-powered ceramics emporium features an active pottery studio and four show galleries that the owners, ex-hippies John and Rachel Bogard, promise are out of this world. The old-fashioned wooden saloon compliments the alien-themed art galleries with Wild Western comforts. Yes, that’s right…the art galleries are alien-themed. Look up the Extraterrestrial Hwy for some more info on that.

All that excitement made her hungry, so Alison made her way to the 2nd of the 3 restaurants in town, The Miner’s Club, for a good ol’ burger and fries and cider. And with almost $3000 more to spend, she heard the cha-ching of Vegas calling and chartered a helicopter to fly her there to play the slots…as one does…on a 10K day!

Pamukkale, Turkey is Lulu’s destination this week and she stayed at the Bellamaritimo. She splurged and got the double bed room for 2 nights at a whopping $100…yes, another city that is difficult to go all 10K in! But, she made it happen! There she started her day at Hiera Coffee & Tea House, where rumor has it a lady makes sidewalk pancakes right in front of the shop! Great…now I want sidewalk pancakes! I really should eat before doing this blog.

Those sidewalk pancakes set her up for a great visit to the White Cotton Castle, which is the Pamukkale Thermal Pools. The mountain is not snowy, it’s just made of travertine, which is like a white limestone formed from mineral deposits in natural springs. It is protected by UNESCO and as you wade in the pools, you cannot wear shoes. But, be careful…it may not be slippery, but it’s abrasive, like coral or sandpaper. Fun fact-not a fact…one of the pools is called the Cleopatra pool as the legend says it was a gift to Cleopatra from Anthony. Guess she should’ve been more specific when she told him she wanted a big rock for Christmas. Wait…Christmas? Whatever…you get the idea.

Lulu got her numbers up by channeling her own Cleopatra style as she wore her newly acquired 1970s Halston Savage MET museum logo 70s swimsuit, which was almost half her 10K. The ladies are rockin’ it this week in inexpensive towns! This special piece comes from a former Halstonette model herself. The black version has a permanent home in the MET Museum. And being that the suit is actually from the 70’s, let’s just hope it didn’t disintegrate in the pool.

They recommend you bring your own lunch for the day, so she got salad in a bag and then chose to be green and picked up any litter she could find to leave the place cleaner than she found it. And not just any bag, but the Balenciaga Barbes large East-west shopper. It’s the bougie way to be responsibly green.

Although Lulu couldn’t, at first, remember why she actually chose to add a Bat Signal to her day, she eventually remembered that there are bats there. Back off the whisky, girl! On second thought…get out the Chateau Hut Brion Blanc and put it in a Camelback Horizon 25oz. wine bottle for lunch!

Lulu keeps that wine flowing as she has dinner at Kayac Wine House to close out her day just under 10K! Well done, ladies!

Lulu was happy that in the face of some obstacles at work, they actually have turned it into a singer camp, doing breath work meditations, physical prep and other useful information to help the singers.

Alison’s happy is a repeat of last week’s. She is enjoying having her mornings to herself so she can practice self care.


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